The Importance of Good WiFi Systems for Smart Homes

Have you ever wondered why having the best at-home WiFi router is so important for your smart home? Running a smart home can offer countless benefits; however, a slow WiFi connection can drastically reduce the effectiveness of your smart home systems overall.
With this in mind, it’s vital to know what causes slow internet and its impacts on your smart home. Fortunately, with this in mind, our experts are here today to give you some answers to that ever-dreaded question, “Why is my WiFi so slow?” Plus, we’ll consider how you can enhance your WiFi network to make the most of your smart home overall.
Why is My WiFi So Slow?
Before we look any further, it’s important we answer the main question on most people’s minds when they begin struggling with Internet speeds: why is my WiFi connection so slow? Answering what causes slow internet can often be a little challenging. After all, there are many different reasons for slow WiFi connections, but some of the most common include:
- A slow internet plan with old or outdated Internet infrastructure (e.g., copper wire vs. fibre broadband connections to your home)
- The network is congested during peak usage times, with numerous people attempting to use the system at once (for example, later in the evening when everyone is already at home)
- You’ve gone above your data cap for the month, which may drastically slow down your internet speeds – especially for satellite internet users
- Weak WiFi signals are unable to reach every room of your property, meaning that you experience faster WiFi connections near to your WiFi router than in other rooms
These are just a handful of the common reasons for slow internet connection. However, if you have a smart home, the latter issue may be particularly prominent. Indeed, many people experience connectivity fluctuations between the ground floor of their home and the upper floors or rooms; this is further amplified, in some cases, if your home has lots of insulation.
As such, when considering investing in Smart Home systems or devices, it’s essential that you’ve got the best mesh system for at-home WiFi possible to enhance the speeds you receive in all rooms of your home. Moreover, to further ensure that slow internet doesn’t hinder your smart home’s functionality, we recommend you also consider the following points to help with your decision.
How to Speed Up Your At-Home WiFi Speeds
So, you’ve noticed that your home’s current router for WiFi isn’t quite doing the job of getting WiFi to every corner your home. If your WiFi router is struggling to connect in all rooms in your home, you may want to consider options to speed up your at-home WiFi speeds across your entire property.
So, what options are available here? Well, there are three simple ways you can support the best at-home WiFi speeds, including the following points.
Ensure You’ve Invested in the Best At-Home Router for WiFi
First, you should always ensure you’ve got the best router for at-home WiFi if you’ve been having trouble. Indeed, a slow internet plan is one of the most common reasons that your smart devices may struggle to connect with one another or respond appropriately.
Invest in a Good Wi-Fi Extender or Mesh Network for Your Home
Secondly, and probably most importantyly why not consider investing in a good WiFi extender, such as a specialist mesh network? A good WiFi extender or mesh network effectively amplifies your WiFi connection throughout the property by using wired and wireless technologies; these deliver reliable signals to rooms that may otherwise have been unconnected or struggling with very slow speeds.
Change Your WiFi Channels Away From the Default
As a final option, if you’re still struggling with slow internet speeds, you may be able to consider switching to a different WiFi channel. By default, most of us run our WiFi systems on either channel 1 or 6 – so, naturally, these can be a little busy and slow. However, if you’re able to switch to a different channel, you may be able to enjoy less competition and a faster online experience overall.
Final Thoughts
Your WiFi connection directly impacts the benefits you get from your smart home systems. Unfortunately, in many cases, homes invest in smart technologies without having the best mesh system for WiFi in place, which can leave your smart systems struggling to connect. With that being said, there are options you could consider to help speed up your WiFi connection; hopefully, these may help you overcome some of the common causes of slow internet overall.
The conclusion is that the best solution is installing a WiFi mesh system to get WiFi to every corner of your home.